Friday 18 September 2015



Maybe I should have used a tractor tyre!

I'll probably have to move this, or start hacking off leaves.

Update: Sunday 20th Sept:

Picked off the older and larger stems, cut off the poisonous leaves and discovered the remaining bits have to be peeled to get rid of the tougher threads, then selected some apples from the fruit bowl, stewed everything together with some cloves, cinnamon and honey, rolled out the short pastry made a few days ago (the only one I know how), and produced this for Sunday afternoon:

Watching the Rugby World Cup, so this is some non-alcoholic solace for South Africa getting hammered by Japan yesterday.

Update 2015/10/31:

Transplanted the largest one into bigger tyre. It took quite a knock, but is now settling in.

Eventually South Africa won the third place playoff against Argentina, and New Zealand beat Australia in the final.

Update 2016/02/21:

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