Sunday 22 May 2016

Weekly status of tyre garden - update 37

Not much going on.

Replacement Contender bush beans seem unfazed by autumn weather and lack of sun. Starting to flower. The older ones are also flowering again.

Weekly status of tyre garden - update 36

Nothing to report.

Sunday 8 May 2016

Weekly status of tyre garden - update 35

It's been cold and wet. Not much on the go.

Contender bush beans,


Transplanted globe artichoke crown.

Asparagus beds under swamp cypress mulch.

Sweet potatoes.

The morning crop of pecans - they haven't really started dropping out of their husks yet. There are plenty higher up in the tree.

The accumulated haul of pecans.

Sunday 1 May 2016

Weekly status of tyre garden - update 34

Surprising that things are still growing - yesterday was a minimum of 6degC and a maximum of 12degC. Hot water bottles at night! The tyre garden only gets morning sunshine and late afternoon.There has been some rain, but not lots.

The new Contender bush beans not looking too happy. Wilting but well watered?

Large tyres with rhubarb and transplanted globe artichoke crowns. This should give them room to spread a bit. The large tyre on the left will get some Jerusalem artichoke tubers, and the one on the right has some horse radish root purchased from Pick n Pay a few weeks back.

Jerusalem artichokes - these aren't that big, presumably because of rough soil. Will try to spread these round the garden a bit.

More Jerusalem artichokes. These should be bigger, even though they've been crowded.

An escaped autumn raspberry. Seems it's not too hassled about acid soil, but clearly likes being irrigated.

Turnip seedlings with lettuce seedlings in the interstices.

Cauliflower seedling.

Swamp cypress showing it's autumn.

Asparagus patch covered with swamp cypress leaves,


Sweet potatoes. I'll check these for size at the end of May.

A brinjal. Lots of flowers on the plants.

Some Moore pecans - another sign of autumn.