Tuesday, 24 November 2015

What happened to Witsa runner beans?

As I've posted before, I've hunted high and low for this runner bean for more than three months - in Grahamstown, Port Elizabeth, George, and Cape Town - to no effect. It's completely unavailable, with no why or wherefore. Which is a pity, because it's the only runner worth growing. Over my dead body will Lazy Housewife pollute my trellises again - it's a nasty horrible bean.

Well, I got an explanation of sorts today from the guy at Sunnyside Nursery - apparently Witsa has been recalled because of some or other mislabelling issue. He had to send back all his stock to the seed company.

The unanswered question, really, is how the heck? Is that the real reason? And when will it become available again? Have we missed a whole season?

Anybody with more details, please enlighten me?

Update 2016/09/06:

Still not available in Grahamstown.

I've been making do with Contender bush beans.

Update 2019/10/09:

Still not available in local nurseries or other places that sell seed.

BUT, I've been able to buy some from Livingseeds, who have come up with another, real [?] explanation, namely that the sole commercial supplier had died, with no-one to take over the business from him, leading to a hiatus in the supply chain.

Can anyone confirm or deny these stories? Or come up with another explanation?

Anyway, after about 5 years, I'm back in business!


  1. I'm in Canada, with a packet of Kirchhoffs Witsa beans which I bought in August. I can't remember where - I travelled a lot of places.

    1. They might not actually be Witsa?

      I only started replanting in September, and was surprised there were none available, as it was very common last season. It's still not on sale, so it seems we've missed a season.

      Contender bush beans have had to fill the gap.

    2. Are you the Francois that use to be a SW listener and member of the SADX Club ?? I still plant the real WITSA beans here in Villiersdorp. (zr1aik@gmail.com) Francois Steyn

  2. Are you the Francois that used to be a SW listener and member of the SA DX Club ?? I still plant the real Witsa beans every year. Francois Steyn, Villiersdorp (zr1aik@gmail.com)

    1. Hi Francois,

      Yes, that's me... talk about a long time ago!
      I moved to Grahamstown soon after we did the ham license thing, late 1984. Short wave listening has sort of bitten the dust with Internet radio. Sort of like bookshop and video stores.

      I'm retired now, and gardening keeps me busy, even though it's so dry at present.

      Still keep my hand in with technology, though:


      I'll email you...

      Best wishes,

  3. witsa beans are available at sales@herbgarden.co.za

    1. Thanks, Izak - I'll contact them. It's two seasons I've been without Witsa, and I can't grow enough Contender to get a surplus.

      I had a thought that maybe they'd become politically incorrect and got themselves banned!

  4. I’ve been keeping back my own Witsa seed for about 6 years now, because the last packet I bought only had a 10% germination rate. I am in Joburg but could arrange to send you 50 - 100 seeds if you are interested. They are organically grown and some seed here and there have eggs in them laid by a worm and it is not always easy to spot so they wonlt come with any guarantees. Send me an email at stephen@masihlangane.co.zxa if you are interested.

  5. Witsa bean seed is available at Sadaka seeds 011 5482800 of Johan by Brits Sadaka langplaas. Die Rep se nommer is 0828250970 en hy het Whatsup. beskikbaar 200gram R75 500gram R135 + vat. Email info.saf@sakata.eu

  6. Bought Mine today at Hinterland in Welkom. Best bean to plant

  7. I was just curious, did you ever find some Witsa beans? I see this post is dated 2016. I was given some seed for Witsa in 2014 and had quite a headache searching out its true history. Most of the beans being sold as Witsa are not the correct bean! The true Witsa has an 8" long, rounded, very tender, stringless pod containing 9-10 white seeds. I found a PDF file of an old S. African market bulletin from 1966 that describes the real Witsa and its history: https://journals.co.za/doi/pdf/10.10520/AJA00148490_3532
