Wednesday 21 September 2016


It's more than a year since I started this blog.

Is it serving any purpose? Maybe - the ability to update posts means you can consolidate information about a particular item, and photograph the progress of certain things. Considered as a diary or log book it has certainly helped me avoid futile activities and to persist in some that didn't seem to be leading anywhere useful.

Could you achieve the same effect differently? I've kept paper diaries about garden activities, but it's not easy to include a visual record, and it's easy to misplace bits of paper.

The activity of actual gardening and blogging about it are loosely coupled. I do a lot more in the garden than  gets written about, so the result is some sort of filtered reflection of what goes on. The question, then, is what makes it into pictures and words? Which gets back to the purpose...

Not sure there's a sensible answer.

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