Saturday 27 May 2017

Unusual Sparaxis, Tritonia and Babiana bulbs

On a recent trip to see our grandson (and his parents and aunt) in Cape Town, the mandatory shopping splurge at the Starke Ayres nursery in Observatory uncovered a whole lot of indigenous bulbs for sale.

I've often planted the "usual" Hadeco Sparaxis and Tritonia offerings, but this is the first time I've seen these:

Sparaxis bulbifera - about 13 tiny bulbs planted in a mix of acid compost, sand, and seedling mix.

Sparaxis multiflora variety multiflora - about 8 bulbs in a mix of sand and seedling mix.

Sparaxis villosa - about 6 bulbs in herb seedling mix.

Sparaxis elegans - 5 bulbs in seedling mix.

Sparaxis multiflora - 6 bulbs in seedling mix.

Tritonia deusta - 5 bulbs in herb seedling mix.

Tritonia crocata - 5 bulbs in seedling mix.

Babiana "Tulbagh" selection - 5 bulbs.

All of these bulbs need to be planted in autumn, so they're planted just in time. Most had already started sprouting and all looked healthy. Where there were more bulbs in the packet than advertised, the extras were comparatively small.

With luck, these will grow, and propagate.

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