Sunday 28 August 2016

Broad beans - Long Pod Aquadulce

Have planted these before with moderate success. Problem has been quantity rather than quality. They're not prolific.

Already have two tyres with plants that are flowering, and today planted six more with about 5 seeds per tyre.

Interesting all the "green" hype on the packet. I suppose there's a market for it.

Update 2016/09/05:

One of the tyres that's had a head start.

Update 2016/09/07:

Newly planted beans are starting to sprout. That's ten days...

Update 2016/09/29:

The two tyres with larger plants have a head start of maybe 2 months on the other 6. But the smaller plants are starting to catch up.

Update 2016/10/02:

Small pods starting to show. Pollination rate seems OK compared to previous times.

Update 2016/10/12:

These are the crop of the season, so far.

Update 2016/10/30:

Update 2016/11/30:

Pretty much the end of the crop... they were planted too late and struggled in the heat.

Update 2017/05/11:

A packet of broadbeans coming up, planted in mid April. Another two packets planted a week back have not yet sprouted.

This is the right time of year to do this.

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