Sunday 15 January 2017

Bird life - Knysna Turacos (Loeries)

There's a pair of them that's been squawking at each other in the early hours (05h30 until about 08h30) over this past ten days or so. They perch at the very top of the Jacaranda trees. The other morning I heard another simultaneous set of squawks from further down the valley - towards Lansdowne Road and the bowling club - so it's quite an invasion.

They're large and quite noisy birds, but hop around very nimbly along and between the branches.

While I've seen Turacos a few times near town, including the grey variety, it's the first time we've had such birds actually in or near our garden, in maybe 30+ odd years of living here. I'm not sure what's attracting them - there's no obvious fruit available other than some still very green figs.

Update 2017/02/07:

Haven't heard them for a week or so... and the first fig has just ripened, untouched by birds.

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