Tuesday 10 January 2017

Avignon fig tree [Dauphine?]

The latest addition to the fig trees in pots orchard, labelled Avignon fig.. A bit thin and spindly, but healthy.

Green and purple fruit. This is my first "complicated" fig, a San Pedro type that  requires caprification for the main crop.

Proper name for this everywhere else is Dauphine.

Update 2017/01/16:

Description from "The Fig" by Ira Condit (1947):

"Dauphine (Ronde Violette Hative, Adam, Pagaudiere). The Dauphine is commonly grown at Argenteuil near Paris for the fresh fruit market. It came to California in the Chiswick collection as P. I. No. 18912 but has not been planted commercially.

Breba crop good; figs medium to large, broadly turbinate, with short, thick neck and short stalk; eye large, open; surface glossy with pruinose bloom; color violet-purple; meat thick; pulp strawberry; quality good. Second-crop figs medium, oblate, mostly without neck, similar to brebas in other characters; quality fair to poor."

Update 2017/01/20:

Moved (point of being in a pot) and strapped to a stake to improve its posture:

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