Friday 26 February 2016

Bush beans

A new batch. The first lot have died off after being very productive.

The leftmost two tyres are "Contender", planted about a week ago using beans from some dried out pods saved from the first batch planted last year. On the right is a tyre of "Star 2000".

The Contender look pretty healthy - all of them came up except one. Maybe I should stagger plantings?

Update 2016/02/04:

The Star 2000 looks pretty pathetic. Might turn it over and replant with Contender in a week or two.

Update 2016/03/13:

Update 2016/03/20:

Update 2016/04/10:

Lots of little beans...

... and a few medium size ones.

Time to plant the next batch. Getting a bit late in the year, but let's see what happens.

Update 2016/03/19:

Broken the surface.

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