Sunday 21 February 2016

Weekly status of tyre garden - update 24

Mostly overcast with a couple of days rain this week. Replanted some bush beans - Contender from dried pods of original planting, and Star 2000.

Pecan nuts Barton, the big one.

Moore, the smaller nut, both on schedule to start opening on 1st April as usual.

Grape vines seem to have recovered from cows, but will need clever pruning.

Sweet potatoes about to make a run for it into the rest of the garden. Doing really nicely.

Small red cabbages starting to form heads.

Globe artichokes dying back, but it looks like new growth already from crowns.

Strawberry runners everywhere.

Asparagus growing nicely. Need to trim back surrounding vegetation.

Some of the rhubarb doing OK.

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