Sunday 10 April 2016

Weekly status of tyre garden - update 31

Autumn is here... night time temperatures around 10degC.

Lots of unplanted tyres after getting rid of dead stuff.

Contender bush beans in production.

Newly planted Contenders.

Pick&Pay garlic coming up for the second time. The cloves aren't that big.

Globe artichokes being optimistic about the coming weather.

White guavas slowly getting bigger. Can't remember when they ripen.

Last of the autumn raspberries.

Sweet potatoes looking healthy.

Patty pan. Theere was one, but insect bites on it.

Small red cabbages.

Brinjals flowering.

Asparagus beds - wonndering how to top them up with compost/mulch that won't introduce weeds. My compost is quite suspect in this regard...

Original lima bean - second lease on life. Badly attacked by insects, but now flowering and producing pods.

Second generation of ima beans, planted from seeds of the above.

Gardening assistant, "helping" look for pecan nuts.

Husks are just starting to open.

The two types - small and large.

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