Wednesday 20 April 2016

Weekly status of tyre garden - update 32

Overcast, a bit of rain expected. Evening temperatures have been a bit higher than last week.

Foolishly emptied the rain water tanks a week back to get rid of mosquito larvae. No rain since, but a rare (for us) municipal water outage. Need to seal the tanks properly.

Asparagus, needing weed control...

Sweet potatoes, looking luxuriant but wonder if this will be the usual problem of no underground growth?

Three of the twelve new interstitial lettuces.

One of twelve new cauliflowers.

Four of twelve new turnips.

Jerusalem artichokes.

More Jerusalem artichokes.

Marjoram, after severe pruning a few months back.

Qhite guava... the early ripening fruit gets stung and goes vrot/

New Contender bush beans broken the surface.

Signs of autumn - the swamp cypress turning orange...

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