Monday 21 December 2015

Cow apocalypse 2

Raided again last night - they definitely climbed over the low wall (one metre high about) as evidenced by a trail of cow pats. More damage this time - mielies gone, beetroots uprooted, kale munched, other grape vine nibbled down, lemon and lime tree munched quite vigorously. The narrow passageways between tyres were no deterrent this time.

Strung up some security braided wire to increase height of fence, but this might just lead to ripped down gate post if cows blunder through it. It'll have to do until new year, when it can be done properly.

I wonder what attracts them from a distance of maybe 30 or 40 metres? The low wall is on the diagonal opposite of the garden area, with an intervening house. Some sort of cownip?

Update 17h00:

An observed break in attempt, foiled by the newly strung wire. The perpetrator is quite a large (tall) brown and white tollie, who eventually gave up and headed down the street with his three chums. Lets see if this deterrent lasts...

I suppose this is a big issue in rural areas.

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