Thursday 10 December 2015

Cow apocalypse

 This being Grahamstown, where quite large herds of cows roam the streets, it was, I suppose, just a matter of time.

Last night or early this morning, my garden got raided by a cow, or cows. I have no idea how they got in as the middle gate was closed. The wall near the garage is low, but it'd take a determined cow to lumber deliberately over it. Perhaps they were deliberately let in, and out? Their main target was chinese cabbage.

Anyway, I still haven't had any aphids.

Autumn Royal grape suffered an early pruning.

Pepperdews lucky to be only half munched. Same with the larger plants.

Baby red cabbages took a hit.

Cow prints in the pea patch.

Cow prints in the asparagus patch.

Swiss chard, not quite munched to the roots.

Most of the damage was on the edges, so a solution might be to plant untasty things there, like hot chiles. The rows down between the tyres may be too narrow for comfortable grazing.

Interesting is what wasn't munched - squash, Jerusalem, artichokes, tomatoes, beans,

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