Sunday 13 December 2015

Weekly status of tyre garden - update 14

An intermittently drizzly and overcast day. Not much rain overall. Cow damage visible but fortunately superficial.

Starting to be hemmed in by tomatoes, which are growing continuously. The two tyres of Roma are starting to collapse under their own weight, and the first batch can't be far off ripening - they're beginning to go light green, nearly yellow.

The four tyres of Moneymaker have reached the top of their supports, and still growing. Their side shoots are starting to fall down. Tomatoes on trellises also doing nicely - many of them are "Little Wonder", but a few larger varieties.

Uniform and mysterious lack of aphids anywhere. All the tomato plants looking green and healthy, despite size. One Roma starting to yellow slightly on lower leaves.

Patty pans and Zucchini doing well - a couple every few days are big enough to harvest. Green peppers are starting to produce, brinjal plants doing well. Chili and sweet pepper seedlings grown from seed struggling for most part, but one or two plants from most recent sowing. Globe artichokes producing heads about size of golf ball - can cook, but only get the heart, the "leaves" too small.

Lettuces running to seed and need renewal. Chinese cabbage large and out of control. Peas nearly done, and bush beans nearing end.

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