Sunday 15 November 2015

Weekly status of tyre garden - update 10

Hard to believe it's more than two months since starting recording the progress of this experiment. There's a few lessons been learnt, which I'll summarize in later postings.

It's been an overcast but warm week, with some wind. Last weekend (when I was away) there were one or two scorchers. Most tyres are OK as regards irrigation, a few are slightly dry.

This week worked out how to cut sidewalls out of tyres, added eight tyres (for total of 107) to reach limit of space for the moment, planted peppers and chilis, did some tidying up - staking, weeding, etc - and started looking at trellis system for grapevines. Nearly run out of useable compost and next batch almost ready for turning. I need to still fill two medium tyres, and two large ones. Leaf blowing managed to top up the new compost, and will need to trim lawns soon.

Everything doing well, and still no signs of aphids, my bugbear last season. Still got slugs, snails, grasshoppers, and caterpillars, though.

Getting good crops of "Contender" bush beans, and salad greens.

It started drizzling about 17h00.

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