Sunday 1 November 2015

Weekly status of tyre garden - update 8

Everything doing OK other than the Okra and one of the brinjals - no other fatalities despite high temperatures early in the week. Mostly overcast with fine drizzle once or twice. Heavier rain expected this evening.

Need to supplement tyre numbers, and dig holes in order to plant grapes.

21h00 - It's raining reasonably hard, and there's a lot of wind. Hopefully nothing gets too damaged.

Update 2015/11/02:

02h00 Still raining, windy.
06h30 Weak sunshine and light breeze, but more rain predicted for mid day.

10h00 Intermittent sunshine. Just finished tidying up the (easterly) wind ravaged garden - tomatoes, globe artichokes, horseradish, and bush beans knocked over.

Even the beetroot had a hard time.

Tied up what I could, pruned the rest to decrease wind loading, still blowing but not as strongly as last night.

Unopened pecan nut catkins strewn all over the place. Will this affect their fertilisation?

13h40 - A bit of rain, but didn't amount to much.

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