Monday 2 November 2015

Tomatoes not in tyres

This is the set up between the outside room and eastern wall bordering the railway line. Planted in black bags full of compost, and fed by drip irrigation. A few cloves of garlic in each bag, but not yet any basil. I might transplant a few seedlings of this from their tyre, where they're flourishing.

On the right are mixed youngberry/booysenberry, doing reasonably well, even though they get about 30 minutes of sun a day, when it's briefly overhead on the north east axis of the wall.

Reaching eagerly for their trellis system.

Every other bag is - I think/hope - a small tomato called "Little Wonder", which did really well here last year. The balance are larger types of tomato, but they took so long to sprout I re-sowed, and there's a bit of confusion.

The other varieties I tried last year struggled along, getting mildew and aphids and what not. Maybe a function of air circulation and humidity? It was really windy last night, yet only one plant in this row was blown over.

These are all grown from seed, and for the second year have taken a lot longer to get going than I would expect. Being a 1.5 metre wide passageway running north east, the black bags tend to be shaded while the wall they're growing against gets full sun until about 13h30, so maybe the soil temperature in early spring is too low for proper germination. These plants are all quite small in comparison to the seedlings planted out into tyres, and the ones in the northern end haven't yet cleared the top of their bags.

In a way, this is an ideal use for otherwise wasted space, so I need to discover what will work.

Update 2015/11/03:

Have transplanted basil seedlings from the tyre garden into most of the bags.

Update 2015/11/12:

Still no aphids, and I've done nothing special. Maybe the garlic I planted last year, which is getting quite large by now?

Update 2016/02/09:

Still no aphids, lots of cherry tomatoes:

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