Sunday 29 November 2015

Weekly status of tyre garden - update 12

Three months since I started this. Looking at earlier photos, there's been a lot of development in the form of slow progress. I suppose it's nearly at the steady state stage in that the "infrastructure" of the garden is mostly in place, and from now on it'll be a matter of crop renewal and maintenance in the form of weeding and harvesting.

Lots of rain this week - no drought here.

The Moneymaker tomatoes are nearly as tall as I am, and are flowering but oly a few have set. Some of the Roma are about 15mm to 25mm in diameter, and plenty more on the way. Youngberries are in season and producing a daily bowl or two. Everything else doing pretty well, but, apart from salady stuff, not harvestable yet apart from:

... broad beans, bush beans, pattypans and zucchini. And peas, but not yet in any quantity... Two of the globe artichokes are showing a bud, so that's also imminent.

Mielies are now getting a move on, but showing lingering bad effects of radish intercropping, so won't be successful. The survivors show that they can grow well in tyres, though - five in a tyre x 5 tyres could give a reasonable crop.

Florence fennel slower than expected - they're doing OK, but haven't put on much weight over the past few weeks. Cabbage heads forming - probably 10 - 15cm diameter. Kale doing nicely, but still lanky. Parsnips about to bolt, and night let them to get seed. Celery has bolted. Spring onions OK.

Not much else going on, other than completion of grape trellis (visible in background), and installation of another ten tyres, which will need to be filled with compost. These are mostly destined for strawberries if I want to do them properly. And I do...

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