Sunday 4 October 2015


We have two large trees shading the vegetable garden. One would be enough, but I've been threatened with bodily harm if I touch either.

In full leaf shedding mode at the moment. Another week or two and they'll be bare for about a month until they start budding.

Trees in Pretoria are already flowering.

Update 2015/10/19:

The first blossom of the year. They're completely invisible in the tree, but there were a few more on the ground the following day.

Update 2015/11/01:

Starting up. Hasn't completely lost leaves. Fallen leaves and stalks were contribution no 1 to compost.

Update 2015/11/11:

Update 2015/11/16:

Update 2015/11/24:

And it's still making major contributions to the compost heap. Sweeping up the fallen blossom is like painting the Golden Gate bridge. As is cleaning off the bakkie and the car.

Which reminds me that all four of our kids - and many of their friends - had their first close encounters with a bee by happily running barefoot through the inviting carpet of fallen blossoms.

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