Sunday 11 October 2015


One of three sprouted from seed, surrounded by radishes.

The seed packet claims 35 days to harvest. This is their second week, so three to go. I'm sceptical.

Update 2015/10/18:

A weeks growth - keeping up with the radishes, but not the hype... two to go.

Update 2015/10/23:

Barely keeping pace with the radishes.

Update 2015/11/11:

Recovering from radish disaster.

Update 2015/11/15:

These plants seem a whole lot smaller than the Patty pan squash?

Update 2015/11/18:

I make it about 45 days since being planted as seeds. Female flowers starting up. A couple of days to go...

Update 2015/11/25:

And there we go, the third female flower. No male flowers yet, so I've been trying to pollinate using flowers from the neighbouring patty pans.

The fruit is about 50mm long, but I'm not sure it's set.

That makes it 52 days.

Update 2015/11/27:

They're about 75mm long, and nearly edible, I think... four of them on two plants, and plenty more to come. That's 54 days, so call it 8 weeks from planting seed to eating. Would probably have happened faster without the misguided radish episode.

These definitely fit easily into a tyre.

Update 2016/01/28:

Well, maybe not! They've produced well, though. If you leave them they grow to the size of your arm.

Update 2016/02/21:

Still producing...

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