Friday 16 October 2015

Tomatoes in a tyre

Planted out a six pack of Roma seedlings about three weeks back.

They're doing very well - nipped out lower leaves, and first lot of flowers. No signs of aphids yet. These tomatoes are supposedly determinate, so won't get too tall. The three plants in this tyre are behaving like triplets - identical in size and development. The stems are quite thick, and easily survived some quite strong winds. There's Pick & Pay garlic planted in the tyre behind this, and basil in the one in the foreground as well as directly in all the tomato tyres.

The other batch of Roma is more asymmetric - one died (something ate through the stem), one is smallish, and the other is about this size. They're in a more shaded area.

Early this week planted out twelve Moneymaker seedlings - four batches of three plants. Also looking healthy but still quite small. The seedlings were comparatively tall and sturdy, which gave the opportunity of planting them nice and deep. Supposedly indeterminate, so will need better scaffolding and more attention to tying them up.

Thicker and taller bamboo poles for these - the vines will climb like crazy.

Update 2015/10/30:



Update 2015/11/11:

Roma. Three in a tyre is too many...

Moneymaker, lining up to go straight up to the top of the stakes.

Update 2015/11/15:


Moneymaker, with Basil and other Roma in the background. All of them are producing lots of flowers.

Update 2015/11/19:

Flowers on Roma setting into fruit...

Update 2015/11/22:

Doing wonderfully - they're now the tallest things in the garden. Lots of fruit setting, and very sturdy green stems.

Update 2015/11/27:

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