Sunday 4 October 2015

Weekly status of tyre garden - Update 4

South west facing, about 09h00.

North east facing, about 12h00.

Plenty of rain this last week, but weather is now clear and hot. Have changed irrigation in these areas to about 8 minutes every two days.

Chinese cabbage  has already sprouted, planted black beans, dwarf wintergreen beans, mustard, rocket, sugarsnap peas and baby red cabbages. Planted more scarlet runner beans against fence, as well as lupins and cliome.

Mielies and popcorn are up, but not a high success rate. Radishes have been thinned, and are looking better.

Pruned lemon and Bearss lime trees to make it possible to walk past them, and cut off very low branches of West Indian Key Lime. Walnut tree alive, but hasn't grown an inch in 2 years. It's only about a foot high. I've tried walnuts before, with similar results but live in hope...

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