Tuesday 15 September 2015

Chili Peppers

I didn't realise at first these were perennials, never having grown my own. Three of these containers are into their third year:

They lose their leaves in winter, and I trim off any dead branches and generally tidy up. They're all just starting to put out tiny new leaves.

The veterans are a tray of Habaneros, another of Jalapenos, and another of Inchanga which all produced well last season. A tray of Cayenne and one of Serrano also started producing.

Last year I got some chocolate habanero seeds, which grew well, and one of them produced a beautiful glossy fruit. I procrastinated so long (through fear) about picking it that it eventually shrivelled up. All the plants look good to go, so there should be plenty more to admire and perhaps risk eating this season.

Quite a few varieties were planted too late in the season, so there's lots to experiment with in the next few months.

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