Tuesday 15 September 2015

Jerusalem Artichokes

I've had some in the garden for ages, but in completely the wrong place - over the years a small batch had migrated slowly to the middle of a shaded pathway. So, in about June when their foliage died off I dug them up and immediately replanted the smaller tubers in a more sunny part of the garden, eating the larger ones. The soil isn't wonderful, and is quite sandy but there's leaf litter about.

Anyway, nothing happened for ages and it looked like they were gone for good. After being reprimandeded by SWMBO I was wondering how to source more tubers. Then yesterday, I saw this:

 So, panic over. They can spread around here to their hearts content. Unless something or body goes and digs them up.

My gardening assistant, Antigone, will make sure this doesn't happen.... ?

Update 2015/09/25:

Ten days of growth. There's more of them than I originally thought.

Update 2015/10/11:

Update 2015/11/01:

There's two other patches in the garden:

The original survivors of the batch planted years ago, now only partially in the garden path.

And these are the ones that were hiding in plain sight, moved to safety in a tyre.

The race is on to see which will produce the most luscious tubers.

Update 2015/11/12:

Update 2016/03/07:


Update 2016/03/13:

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