Wednesday 23 September 2015

Summer bulbs

Gladiolus; Galtonia; Zantedischia; Tigridia; Lilium.

Sandersonia; Galtonia; Zephyranthus; Nerines, pink and white; Gloriosa Superba.

Crocosmia; Zantedischia.

These were planted out into pots of compost last week, and should be flowering by December.

Many of these are indigenous, of course,

Update 2015/10/16:

Update 2015/10/28:


Update 2015/10/30:

The next Zephyranthus coming up.

Oriental Lily looking asparagus like.

Gloriosa, or Flame Lily.


Update 2015/11/03:

Flame Lily.


White and pink Nerines.

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