Thursday 17 September 2015

Spring indicator - Erythrina Caffra

Known in these politically correct times as the Eastern Cape Coral Tree. The scientific name alludes to them being indigeneous to this part of the Eastern Cape.

Another vivid indicator of spring in Grahamstown:

This tree is in our across the road neighbours garden. .

There's another on the playing field directly across from our driveway, but I don't think it's a Caffra. Could be Lysistemon? You're supposed to be able to tell from how the flowers hang from the branch, and these two trees are different.

I love these trees - they put on a magnificent show for about a month. Having them close by, rather than in our garden, is good enough for me. At this time of year you can spot them easily all over town, some of them massive. The flowers eventually produce a pod containing striking looking "lucky beans".

There's a clump of Erythrinas with cream coloured flowers near the robots at the bridge in Port Alfred. Attractive in a way because they're different, but not nearly as striking.

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