Sunday 20 September 2015

Weekly status of tyre garden - update 2

Update 1 is at the end of this post.

Here's what things look like this week:

The weather has been overcast with occasional rain, but nice and warm.without being really hot.

Planted sweet corn, pop corn, zucchini, strawberries and flat parsley all intercropped with radishes in the 10 prepared tyres of row #3 in the foreground. When I went to look for tyres on Thursday at Wessons, they'd just sent off their pile to the recyclers, so I had a limited choice. I still need to fill in the 8 new ones with compost. Can probably fit another 14 or 16, but want nice wide (i.e. tall) ones.

In a sunny corner, off to the left of this photo, have just planted giant Nigerian oilseed sunflowers, some hybrid squash, which looks like Gem squash, and butternut, all straight into the ground. Hopefully the butternut will climb into the bougainvillea. The hybrid squash migh be compact enough to put into a tyre, but let's see.

The kale planted a few days back is already sprouting - more quickly than radish... Also filled in gaps where celery hasn't sprouted. Parsnips aren't doing that well - only one has sprouted, so I sowed more. The carrots are also being slow. Broad beans and bush beans have sprouted, but no peas yet.

Lettuce seedlings are transplanted into the compost filled spaces between the tyres, together with some ranunculus, which are just starting to flower.

Bought a White Genoa Fig to replace the useless pecan nut tree.

There's a thunderstorm brewing, so probably a fair amount of rain coming up shortly.


Eventually rained, quite hard, at about 20h00. Will clean out the first flush diverter tomorrow.

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