Wednesday 16 September 2015


We've had these in my folks gardens ever since I was a child, so growing some in my own garden was a no brainer requirement. These have been growing for a good 20 years and are well established.

There's two groups of them against boundary walls, and they've done well despite inexpert attention. This vibracrete wall faces north, so the plants are in the shade most of the day, but this doesn't seem to have affected them.

This is the most productive row, but the distinction between youngberry and booysenberry escapes me, although two distinct types of fruit are produced. Some plants have more than three leaves on a stem, but I'm not sure this distinguishes them. The thorn patterns can also be quite different, so maybe this is a better indicator... If so, then I have three different berries jumbled up in there.

Last year, for the first time, I saw actual blackberry plants for sale, so these have gone into the mix. There's Kotata, and Tay, and a thornless variety, still to produce.

Kotata blackberry above, youngberry/booysenberry below:

Theese plants flower very early, and the fruit will be ready in mid November to early December.
The cores of the later berries get fruitfly maggots, but the little drupes are fine. How to separate?

Propagating these berries is straightforward enough - bury the tips of new shoots in soil or compost, either directly in the ground, or in a pot. When new shoots start emerging, the original shoot can be cut off.

Update 2015/09/29:

Kotata blackberries flowering nicely.

Update 2015/10/04:

Update 2015/10/09:

Flowering like crazy.

Update 2015/10/22:

Kotata - the same cane as in previous photos.

A new cane of Kotata. They seem to be well established, and spreading.

Different fruit size/shape - youngberry/booysenberry.

And another - booysenberry/youngberry.

Update 2015/10/30:


Update 2015/10/31:

Kotata again.

Along the east facing back fence.

Update 2015/11/02:

Tay, the only variety in a tyre. Looking strong.

Update 2015/11/04:

Kotata slowly ripening.

Youngberry/Booysenberry - the only one ripening. The fruit looks completely different to the blackberry.

Bramble alley - waist high and flourishing.

Update 2011/11/11:

Thornless blackberry - exotic flower.

Another flower, better view. It's a really quite attractive plant, compared to the thorny varieties.

Update 2015/11/15:

Youngberries/Booysenberries starting to ripen in bulk. Some are getting maggots in the central pith.

Some picked Young/Booysen berries next to Kotata blackberries. They're much larger and plumper. Tastewise they have a slightly metallic taste.

Update 2015/11/22:


Booysen/Youngberry. Looks like just the early ones had worms. Most of these are fine.

Update 2015/12/06:

Thornless blackberry - more decorative than useful?

The two gardening assistants, supervising the youngberries.

Update 2015/12/09:

A morning's harvest.

1 comment:

  1. I have found that this site is very informative, interesting and very well written. keep up the nice high quality writing. Blackberry Plants for sale
