Tuesday 15 September 2015


In the past, I planted these straight out in the soil next to my youngberries, and they did OK for a single season then vanished. The trick seems to be to put them in a container filled with acid compost and give them regular water. Here they are going into their second year:

I was thinking of dividing this batch up and starting a second container, but there's new leaves coming out on the old stems, so they'll be left in peace until I can work out what's going on. I thought the previous years canes died off? I have no idea of the variety - they were simply labelled "Raspberry", together with a mind numbing price tag.

Early this year I was buying some concrete guttering to put under my rainwater filter/diverters, and discovered the local paving block supplier had a sort of "nursery" behind their collection of cement angels and greek statues and garden gnomes which had a few decrepit noname raspberry plants and ferns at ridiculously low prices. I bought the lot and put them into acid compost in a couple of tyres. As usual, they died off, but are now looking like this:

So far so good. Let's see what happens...

Update 2015/10/04:

Update 2015/10/11:

Update 2015/10/22:

This is definitely a different variety to those in the tyres.

Update 2015/11/02:

Update 2015/11/11:

Pollination isn't perfect. Ate one that had ripened - delicious.

Update 2015/11/12:

Update 2015/11/24:

Nearing the end of this batch - two good delicious handfuls, which is more than I've ever managed to grow before. I need to propagate!

The ones in the tyres are starting to flower, so they are completely different to these ones in the pots. We'll see how they go.

Update 2016/02/28:

Definitely different... autumn raspberries!

Update 2016/03/07:

An autumn raspberry escapee, which implies they're doing well...

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